Galleria on the Park Condos位于Dufferin St和Dupont St交汇处,由Elad Canada 和Freed Developments联袂开发,8栋大楼将陆续拔地而起,约3千个公寓单元,小区集零售,办公,商住于一体,举步Wallace-Emerson公园和社区中心,走路10分钟到达Dufferin地铁站。起价50余万,欲知详情,敬请致电 416-899-2686,wechat: wenzongxue, 或浏览 http://www. jerrywen. com
Situated at Dufferin and Dupont, Galleria on the Park offers a modern urban lifestyle. This new condominium development will overlook an extended and reconfigured Wallace Emerson park. Expansion plans include doubling the size of the community centre to 95, 000 sq. ft. , making it one of the largest in the city and expanding the park to nearly 8 acres. With added infrastructure including cycling lanes, it’s no wonder this new community will be the centre of activity in Central West Toronto.
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